Jackie's Abbey

Posted by Bens Stuff | 9:13 AM | , | 1 comments »

This recipe is taken from Victory Beer Recipes.

Makes 5 Gallons


12 pounds Alexanders pale malt extract

6 ounces crystal malt

4 ounces chocolate malt

1 3/4 ounces bullion hops 9% - 45 minutes

1/4 ounce Perle hops 7.4% - 45 minutes

1 teaspoon Irish moss - 15 minutes

3/4 Saaz hops 4.4% 10 minutes

3/4 ounce Hallertauer hops 3% - 10 minutes

1/4 ouce Saaz hops 4.4% - 1 minute

1/4 ounce Hallertauer hops 3% - 1 minute

Cultured Chimay yeast

3/4 cup corn sugar

Boiling time 60 minutes

Primary fermentation 15 days at 65 degrees

Pre-boil filtered water for 1 hour and steep grains at 175 degrees


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  1. Anonymous // 7:22 AM  

    You have a very nice blog, good post...keep up the good job