Chili Stout

Posted by Bens Stuff | 6:45 AM | | 0 comments »

Photo by: svenwerk

5 gallons, partial mash; 
OG = 1.048 (12° Plato; FG = 1.012 (3° Plato); 
Bitterness = 30 IBUs


  • 1 lb. pale malt
  • 0.5 lb. dark crystal malt (90°Lovibond)
  • 0.5 lb. roasted barley
  • 1/4 lb. black patent malt
  • 4 lbs. unhopped dark dry malt extract (DME)
  • 0.75 oz. of 9% alpha-acid Northern Brewer hops (7 AAUs)
  • Irish Ale yeast slurry (Wyeast 1084 or equivalent)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar for priming
  • 1/2 cup amber DME for priming
  • 8-10 habañero ("Scotch bonnet") peppers, cut into 50 strips.

Step by Step:

  • Heat 6 quarts water to 163°F. Crush grains and mix into liquor. 
  • Hold at 152° F for 75 minutes. Runoff and sparge with 9 quarts at 168°F. 
  • Add DME, bring to a boil.
  • Add hops, boil 60 minutes. Cool, add to fermenter along with enough chilled preboiled water to make up 5.25 gallons. 
  • At 68°F or so, pitch yeast. Ferment at 65-68°F for two weeks, then rack to secondary. Condition at 60°F for three weeks.
  • Prime with DME and brown sugar. Bottle, placing a piece of habañero in each bottle, and seal. (Warning: wear gloves when you're working with habañeros, and keep your hands away from your face!) 
  • Condition at 55° F for three weeks.

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